Nick Delaney

As well as heading up our business development team, Nick is a member of our senior management team.

Nick re-joined First4Lawyers in 2020 after a brief break having previously spent three years with the business. Throughout his career in the UK and USA Nick has worked for companies in the financial, insurance and food technology sectors, as well as a stint at a leading classic vehicle auction house. Nick is a familiar face to many panel members and colleagues working in personal injury and clinical negligence though, having also previously worked in the legal sector.

It was the strength of the First4Lawyers brand and our ambition to be the number one legal services brand that first attracted him to the role, and then brought him back to us when he was seeking his next career move. His focus is to deliver growth to the business by developing our personal injury, clinical negligence and industrial disease panels, as well as driving growth into other legal services.

Nick heads-up a team of business development managers who are based up and down the country. The team spend much of their time with existing panel members and sourcing new opportunities. Pre-Covid Nick would spend most Mondays in our Huddersfield HQ meeting with the rest of the senior management team, although currently those meetings take place over Zoom as opposed to in the office.

Nick says: “Even though mine is a leadership role, I didn’t want to be stuck in the office five days a week without understanding what was happening in our law firm clients and so I make time to speak to and meet panel members every week.

“I do look forward to being at HQ to see the rest of the team and catch up on all the developments, although those catch ups are virtual ones currently. The office has a great coffee machine and I’m currently missing that!”

Nicks’ reappointment comes at a time of considerable change for the industry as it prepares for further reform as part of the Civil Liability Act. Nick says that the Government’s reform agenda remains a key topic among firms he speaks to: “The direction of travel has been clear for some time now and reform is inevitable. As most working in PI know, there has been significant lobbying by the ABI over a number of years and that pressure is not going to go away.”

Regardless of impending change, Nick remains upbeat about the prospects for PI firms and will be working on maintaining the consistent delivery of work to panel firms, broadening our reach across the country and continuing to develop those work streams that will be unaffected by the forthcoming changes.

“There has been significant investment in the First4Lawyers’ brand, giving us a real advantage. It is this brand strength that will enable us to continue to provide strong, quality leads to panel firms and develop into other areas. It is what attracted me to the role in the first place and as the brand continues to thrive alongside our growing range of products and services, we continue to strive to be an all-encompassing legal services provider to both consumers and law firms alike.” says Nick.

Away from his busy role at First4Lawyers Nick is a rugby fanatic whose main role at home is that of cook and dog walker, whilst avoiding talking ‘shop’ with his daughter who has just started in her career in law.


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