Calling all Conveyancers as F4LPlus National Rollout Continues

Director of marketing, Andy Cullwick, gives an update on the national rollout of the groundbreaking platform, which allows consumers to compare legal services providers.
We’re delighted to say we’ve had a great response to our national rollout of F4LPlus from law firms looking for conveyancing leads.
Following a successful, six-month pilot involving 10 North West firms, we’re now working with clients across the UK and have the capacity to support more, so what are you waiting for?
What’s the offer?
F4LPlus is an online platform that allows consumers to compare conveyancing providers, not just on price and expertise but also by reading client reviews.
Is the demand there? The numbers say so, with more than 6,000 consumers using the platform and over £3m worth of quotes requested during the pilot alone.
Our data also suggests that as many as 90% of new enquiries are from consumers with an immediate need for conveyancing services.
Firms only pay for the leads they want and can also choose by type – buying or selling a property, remortgaging or transferring equity – and by geographical location.
The potential return on investment (ROI) rises depending on the types of lead requested, from £3.87 to as much as £11.43 per £1 spent with us.
Market insights
The platform isn’t just about lead generation – we also share insights and information about factors like pricing, speed of response and performance to help firms win more clients.
Since joining F4LPlus, one firm has upped its conveyancing fees by 10% and at the same time seen an almost 50% increase in its conversion rate. That equates to an ROI of £5 for every £1 spent.
Fewer than half of consumers shortlisting lawyers are choosing the cheapest option, showing that price is not the key driver. In fact, we see better instruction rates when prices are higher.
Join the panel
Every day, we talk to consumers across the country looking to instruct a conveyancer.
We also have a special introductory offer for firms signing up before the end of November, with prices starting at just £20 per lead.
Check out our website to find out more or contact chief commercial officer Nick Delaney at [email protected]