The Ideal Blog Post: From Keyword Research to Proper Structure

There’s no getting around it: a blog is a critical tool in your marketing kit.

According to Demand Metric, companies that blog generate an average of 67% more monthly leads than those that don’t. Meanwhile, HubSpot found that blogging pulls in 55% more visitors for sites.

It’s a worthwhile activity – one that competitors are doubtless already doing.

So what do you need to do to create the best blog post for your firm?

Do your keyword research

The first thing to do is find out what people are looking for. There’s no point creating a post about a topic without any interest.

You can find out what keywords your competitors are targeting using various tools. Some of our favourites include:

  • Ahrefs
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Semrush

Google’s own search engine results pages can also offer suggestions for topics. Search a keyword and take a look at the People Also Ask box near the top of the organic results or the Related Searches list at the end. These are free and can narrow down your topic list.

Don’t forget that your own site’s search function will inform you of what visitors want to find there. If they’re looking for something that isn’t yet addressed, make sure you add it to your content plan.

Feature your subject matter experts

You are a solicitor. You work with other solicitors. You are some of the most educated, well-read and informed professionals one could meet. In other words, you and your colleagues are subject matter experts.

Let your team members share their knowledge to help your site visitors. It can be reassuring for a visitor to realise they’re hearing from an expert in the field. Who can explain what happens during a medical negligence claim better than a medical negligence solicitor?

But just because someone knows their field of expertise inside and out, doesn’t mean they’re a natural writer. So once a blog has been drafted, let someone else take a look.

This could be someone within your firm who doesn’t have the same level of knowledge – in which case, they can highlight aspects that may need clarification from a lay perspective. Or it could be someone who can help with readability.

Get your headline right

Your headline is what will convince someone to click on your post, which could then contain all the encouragement they need to convert. So what should you include in your headline?

For SEO purposes, it’s beneficial to put your target keyword as close to the beginning of your headline as possible. This helps search engines understand what you’re talking about in the body of your blog, which can get them to rank you highly. But if it doesn’t make sense, don’t force it. Grammatical correctness and ease of understanding is more important.

Posing a question in your headline is one approach. This way, you clearly set out what you’re going to address in your post. There’s no confusion about what a reader is going to find on that page.

If you choose to go with a more instructive or informational structure, just make sure you’re being clear about the content of the piece. If the headline doesn’t match the blog, the likely result is a bounce or exit from that page. And that helps no one.

Structure it effectively

People’s attention spans have been on the decline for years. As we have ever more devices, services and demands on our time to distract us, we are used to splitting our focus. As a result, people want to know within a few seconds whether the page they’ve landed on meets their requirements.

This is why headings are important. As visitors scan the page, headlines will jump out at them and help them understand what’s being discussed.

Bullet points can also be helpful. They break up the page and draw the eye in. They can help readers process the information more efficiently.

Top tips for blog posts

  • Add a call to action

Your service pages will likely be your money pages, but your blog is there to generate traffic. Get these visitors to contribute to your bottom line by including calls to action to convince them to convert. But remember not to be too salesy in your posts. That can put people off.

  • Embrace informality

No, we’re not talking about colloquialisms or calling your reader ‘mate’. But you can step away from some of the rigid structures of your service pages, as well as discuss topics that might draw on popular culture.

  • Images can help

People like visual content, so incorporating images into your posts can help reinforce your message. Stock photos can add a professional element, but subscription packages can be expensive. Just using your phone, you could do the same for free – and you’ll have a unique image too.

  • Track your performance

Once you’ve unveiled your new blog, make sure you monitor its performance over time. Decide on your KPIs and track these. As with everything in marketing, if it’s not delivering a certain level of success, it might be time to go back to the drawing board.


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